About Me

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I am the out front singer-songwriter in the band Michael Mazochi & The Widows. I have thus far released 3 albums and am planning 3 more in 2008. I produce all my albums myself and play a majority of the instruments on the albums. My band, The Widows is made up by 4 of my best friends and some of the most valuable musicians around today. I love my band. I think they are great.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

No Less America

Im sitting outside on the balcony of my fiance's los angeles apartment...deciding now might be a good time to blog it up...to be honest i normally would rather be doing something else other than blogging but these days mr. miller has convinced me that this is important...so i will try to maintain a genuine point of view and report as often as i see fit...

now...first off...that game was not a draw. oooh...im watchin you buffa.

second...alot of folks slag on the city of los angeles...and sure...there are plenty of things to attack about the place...there is a superficial surface enough to drive anyone to screaming vulgarities out car windows at the 3 miles of traffic down the 101...but these days i find more to love than hate...perhaps its the very thing that i came to hate about the city a year ago that i now love...there are thousands of people wandering around talking about who they know or who they saw or what they do at work or what car they drive...initially i was turned off by the constant chatter of the mid day shuffle...however...im reminded of my days in small towns talking to the same folks at the same shops every day...i loved those towns in the end and came to really appreciate the quieter side of life...often times there was the complaint that nothing was going on...or that they wanted to get out...then i moved to los angeles and everyone talks about how they they cant stand when folks brag about how successful they are...however, ive developed a certain appreciation for the fact that all of these people moved here to follow some romantic ideal of what they think they should be doing...i hated to see dreams dashed upon the rocks...but thats just it...these people came out for the opportunity to have their dreams dashed upon something other than their worried mind...out here there are real life sirens and rocks and tempestuous storms..to me, its just as valid as the quiet coffeeshop towns i came from...being a man who cant rightfully claim to be from anywhere in particular i can proudly state "i am from here" and feel ok about it...there are things to love and things to hate about anywhere you go...its a matter of seeing both sides of the fence...and maybe that little bit of mid day chatter is enough to make people feel like they are getting closer to something they are chasing...i dont need it...we dont need it...but it certainly makes for interesting table talk...its all just america...and its no less america than towns with a population of 500...in other words..."love your brother" or however that shit went...and if you dont love him...at least try to dig what a fucking weirdo he is...my brothers are all glorious weirdos.

third...why are bagels so delicious? i mean...they're just bread shaped like a donut. or are they?


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